Post Google+ Blues:Back to Blogging Basics

April 2 marks one year since the end of Google+ and I write this with a heavy heart. Neglected and misunderstood by most of the Internet and ultimately because the crass comfort of Facebook, ignored by most of the general users. However one of the beauties of this platform was it was a nexus of disciplines that I felt had no other place on the Internet. Where else can you find groups that focus on R statistics, Android development, Linux fanatics, and corpus linguistics all on one site? For me this was the go to for research techniques, and articles, and essentially hardware and software hacking to get the most out of a Linux distribution.

Does this mean that it is time to go back to blogging again? For specialists of all the above, rather than succumb to Facebook, is it best to take matters into our own hands? Is it time to fire up the ol’ WordPress site and start building communities ourselves?

I would love to hear your opinions here. Better yet, if you know of any great sites for what I have listed above, I would appreciate the info. Since the end of G+ I feel quite disconnected from these communities and need to pick up the pieces again.

Be well,

3 thoughts on “Post Google+ Blues:Back to Blogging Basics”

  1. Hiya Peter,

    Glad to see you back blogging again. I think blogs are maybe better places than anywhere else for discussing this kind of thing, other than Mastodon, but it depends on your instance choice.

    I look forward to seeing more up here!



    1. Thank you Marc for the comment.
      Covid has thrown me a loop last year, so I didn’t post very much on this blog as I said, however I am getting my Ph.D squared away. Since I had to stay home most of the time I might as well write.
      There is always a silver lining.

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